KimAnna lives totally off the grid in the high desert of Colorado and has for many years. She’s a city girl that always wanted to live in nature, and she has made her dream come true. When speaking of designing and building her cabin and moving out of the city, “It just resonates with me; it made my heart happy!”
She began with a workshop with Rob Roy on cordwood construction, and the rest is history! She has always been artistic, and with a magician’s touch, she was able to transform broken pieces and repurposed items into a luxurious, colorful, fun, and functional mermaid-themed sanctuary!

The cute little kitchen nook in this 195-square-foot tiny home boasts a small two-burner propane stove that sits on a gorgeous marble slab that they discovered in a friend's junkyard. A repurposed window holds the metal backsplash, and the walls are covered in mermaid art as well as sculptures KimAnna has incorporated from a second-hand store she used to run. The only sink in the tiny home is in the bathroom, but it’s small and functional and right around the corner from the kitchen.

Recycling Items You Love Makes a Place More Homey
KimAnna has always been an artist and loves using recycled items in her artwork.
“Take things that you love, that you love looking at, and make it part of your surroundings, part of your house. It’s such a fun way to build! Let the artist child in you come out and play!”
The mermaid theme is carried into the bedroom, which has a queen bed with storage underneath and tons more colorful and funky recycled decorations.

Beauty Makes a Tiny Home Huge
Almost all of the items used in this tiny home are handcrafted recyclables or repurposed, right down to the tiny windows in the gorgeous, artistically detailed, mermaid shower. It is a beautiful and creative work of art! A gorgeous ocean scene, complete with a mermaid, kelp, moon, and even a fish, was designed and crafted from multi-colored bottles installed in the wall in the cordwood style. It brings in tons of light, making the room reminiscent of a fairytale kaleidoscope!
KimAnna’s county was very lenient when she first started construction, and she loved that. She lives off the grid for the most part and couldn’t be happier about it. “I love being that independent! I love not being tied into the grid!” The cabin gets water from a well, they raise chickens for eggs, grow and share organic vegetables with their small community from their 27 ft. life-sustaining ‘grow dome’, and have rescue animals that they care for on-site.
Sharing with Others Makes a Community Flourish
KimAnna now lives in another residence close by, and they rent out this cabin on Airbnb, giving others the opportunity to stay in the home she so lovingly crafted. This is a wonderful opportunity to stay in the Colorado high desert and experience off-grid living at its finest! KimAnna has made a beautiful oasis! Come experience it for yourself!

To see the full tour of this beautiful tiny cottage:
For questions, you can contact KimAnna at k.cellura@yahoo.com.