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  • Writer's pictureTina Lambert

Inspiring Couple Bringing Happiness to Others in a Bohemian Skoolie

Michael and Eva Galardi are an inspiring couple lucky enough to be able to live and travel for the last four years in their self-converted skoolie they have named, the Jolly Green Machine. They met while traveling in Australia and traveled the world together for a year before they built their bus.

Michael shares,

“I had learned from all my other friends that were married that, if you can travel together, you can stay together!”

Colors sets the vibe

Eva is an artist and has a keen sense of color. Upon entry into the bus, you’ll note lots of reflective art and stickers adorning the doors. Sun is a continuing theme in their build, and the colorful zen environment invokes both calmness and energy at the same time. They have a colorful mudroom where they store many items and a cute wall of photos documenting their love story. Eva’s artwork and decorations give the space such a cozy atmosphere.

All the renovations were done by Eva in ten weeks with no experience at all, and the couple loves how it turned out. She learned as she went along. The ceiling is wood-grained vinyl held on with liquid nails and a lot of elbow grease! Colors abound making the space lively and refreshing.

Check out their full Tiny Home Tour here:

DIY renovations create endless customizations

One of Eva’s inspirations for the decorations was a piece of fabric she acquired while traveling in Peru. She carried it around for months not knowing what she would do it with. But things happen for a reason, and she crafted curtains from it and designed the whole bus around these colors that she loves so much!

Eva is a creator. She loves to make art and upcycle; she paints on records, plywood, and anything else that suits her fancy! She makes little wood paintings for tiny homes and works for donations. The pantry is an ingeniously recycled wood tone filing cabinet with added drawer locks to keep them closed during transit. Eva upcycled a unique lampshade into a ceiling light in the van, as well as crafted a small couch to make room for guests to sleep.

Both Michael and Eva love working with children and, ‘letting them all learn that through inner peace each individual realizes that they are a masterpiece to this beautiful puzzle called life!” is Michael’s consulting company that seeks to bring “happiness back into the corporate atmosphere!”

Eva and Michael are the epitomai of what tiny living symbolizes for so many; They love life, love each other, and love sharing this road life with others.

Follow along with Eva on Instagram @flyingdutchbird

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